Archive | March, 2019

Why UPND cannot Protect its Votes.

Dear Editor, please do not reveal my identity. I write on the use of campaign funds in the UPND. My heart is heavy on this matter, but am hoping that the message am trying to deliver may be acted on sooner than later. The funds to mobilize youths to protect the votes never reach them […]

ZESCO Proposes Killer Tariff Increases

ZESCO’s notice proposing to increase tariffs for all categories of customers is not only in a ridiculous step increases but also an unthoughtful manner. The proposed tariff increases have a minimum increase of 72% for Industrial Customers and over 100% to 200% in some for commercial and domestic customers. This mode of increase is silly […]

Supremacy of the Party prevails as Lusaka mayor is ordered to lift ban on street vending, PF blames UPND.

After a backlash from Lusaka street vendors in typical  ‘people power’ style, PF has been gripped with fear and has flip flopped its street vending non tolerance policy, that saw President Edgar Lungu order the army to drive out the business off the streets of Lusaka last year. PF Secretary General Davis Mwila yesterday ordered […]

Lying, Looting PF Government

The recent fuel pump price reduction must not be confused with goodwill or economic growth by the PF government. The PF government is good at misleading and confusing  ordinary people for political expediency. They reduce the fuel pump price with a small margin on one hand and shall later slap citizens with a much higher […]